
In python the strings are enclose with '' or "". Its really important to notice that a string is an immutable data type, so if you want to edit a string, you will need to create a new one or rewrite the same variable, so keep in mind that to modify a string in any way (capitalize, add one letter, remove the last element), has a complexity of O(N).

A = ""
B = "Hello"
C = 'World!'
D = A + B + ' ' + C # D = "Hello World!"
E = 3*B             # E = "HelloHelloHello"
F = str(10)         # F = "10"

B[0]                # "H"
B[:2]               # "HO"
B[-1]               # "A"
B[-3:]              # "OLA"
B[1:3]              # "OL"

# Some functions applied to the strings
type(A)             # Returns < class 'str' >
len(A)              # The length of A is 0, as it has 0 element
len(B)              # The length of B is 5, as it has 5 elements
'll' in B           # True
del A               # deletes the string A

Do you remember how to write a comment? Well, a comment is actually a multiline string in Python, something cool to keep in mind.

""" This is a single comment"""

A = """This is a multiline string,
that can be read as a comment as well.

A # A = "This is a multiline string, \nthat can be read as a comment as well\nFunfact"

String Methods (most used)

Method Description
capitalize() Returns a string where the first character changed to upper case
upper() Returns the string converted into upper case
lower() Returns the string converted into lower case
swapcase() Returns the Swaps cases, lower case becomes upper case and vice versa
strip() Returns a version of the string (without spaces at the beggining and the end)
count(x) Returns how many elements inside of the string are the same than "x"
find(x) Returns the first index where "x" appears. It returns -1 if "x" is not inside of the string
index(x) Returns the first index where "x" appears. It gives an error if "x" is not inside of the string
replace(x,y) Returns a string where a "x is replaced with "y"
isalnum() Returns True if all elements in the string are alphanumeric
isalpha() Returns True if all elements in the string are in the alphabet
isdecimal() Returns True if all elements in the string are decimals (0-9)
isupper() Returns True if all elements in the string are upper case
islower() Returns True if all elements in the string are lower case
split(x) Splits the string at "x", and returns a list
join(X) Takes all items in "X" and joins them into one string with the main string as separator.
format(x) Returns a modified version of the string where inserts varibles (x) inside the string's placeholder. "{}"
A = "hello world!"

B = A.capitalize()              # B = "Hello world!"
C = A.upper()                   # C = "HELLO WORLD!"
D = C.lower()                   # D = "hello world!"
E = B.swapcase()                # E = "hELLO WORLD!"

F = "  Hello World! ".strip()   # F = "Hello world!"

G = A.count('l')                # G = 3
H = A.count('ll')               # H = 1
I = A.find('?')                 # I = -1, not found
J = A.index('o')                # J = 4

K = B.replace('w','W')          # K = "Hello World!"
L = K.replace('!','')           # L = "Hello World"

M = "5 is a number!".isalnum()  # M = False
N = "5isanumber!".isalnum()     # N = True
O = "Word!".isalpha()           # O = False
P = "word".isalpha()            # P = True
Q = "2.3".isdecimal()           # Q = False
R = "23".isdecimal()            # R = True
S = "Word".isupper()            # S = False
T = "WORD".isupper()            # T = True
U = "Word".islower()            # U = False
V = "word".islower()            # V = True

W = A.split(' ')                # W = ["hello", "world!"]
X = '# &'.join(['A','B','C'])   # X = "A# &B# &C"
Y = 'My first name is {}, and my last name is {}'.format('Albert', 'Einstein')
Z = "Today is {m} {d}{e}, {y}.".format(d=3, e='rd', m='February', y=2021)

Special characters

String Description
\\ \
\' '
\" "
\b Backspace
\t Tap space
\n New line
A = "\\ this is a single Backslash" # A = \ this is a single Backslash
B = 'I am \'Coding\' '              # B = "I am 'coding' "
C = "I am \"Coding\" "              # C = 'I am "coding" '
D = 'Hello \bWorld!'                # D = 'HelloWorld!'
E = 'Hello\tWorld!'                 # E = 'Hello    World!'
F = 'Hello\nWorld!'                 
F = 'Hello